The Nanovision Microscope
Current Stage: | Research Funding Phase 2 – R&D Final Design & Commercialisation |
Funding to Date: | $250,000 |
Funding Required: | $250,000 |
Project Duration: | 12 Months |
Current Status: Funding Stage

The NanoVision Super High Magnification (SHM) Microscope project is poised to revolutionize the field of microscopy by introducing an SHM Microscope that surpasses the magnification constraints of contemporary microscopes and is accessible at a cost-effective price point, thereby disrupting the existing market dynamics and offering a competitive alternative to the high-priced SHM microscopes currently dominating the industry.
The First Prototype
The video below displays a solitary red blood cell at an impressive magnification of 10,000x captured using our first working prototype.
It reveals a living red blood cell within a 10-micron field of view. At this level of magnification, a live virus is observable on the red blood cell’s surface.
This image above was taken with a low-quality video camera yet it provides a glimpse of the potential that this technology has to offer. The team have many enhancements in the pipeline to improve image resolution and increase magnification. The first phase of the project prioritised high magnification which has been achieved. The next phase will focus on high-resolution image quality and use an 8k ultra high-resolution cinema-quality digital camera, enhanced objectives (lenses) and internal components engineered to the same level of precision found in the Hubble space telescope.
Research Project Overview
This research project is seeking financial support to finalize the R&D phase of the NanoVision Super-high-magnification (SHM) microscope based upon an exclusive Image Path Enhancement (IPE) technology developed by Atlantis Life Sciences.
The Nanovision IPE technology can be integrated into a new microscope or transform a standard microscope into a super-high-resolution instrument at a fraction of the cost of current SHM microscopes.
With a focus on the sophisticated engineering of light pathways, combined with an 8K high-resolution imaging CCD chip, the goal is to create a super-high magnification and ultra-high resolution microscope that narrows the gap between light-based and electron microscopes.
The NanoVision microscope’s primary benefit lies in its capacity to visualize living cells (a feat electron microscopes cannot achieve) and its ability to resolve details smaller than 50 nanometers at a disruptive price point relative to current technologies.
This technology is poised to democratize access to super high-resolution microscopy for a broader range of customers including universities, scientific researchers and medical laboratories, potentially catalyzing numerous novel scientific and medical discoveries.
Proof of concept
The research project team has completed the development of a proof of concept, which not only validated the design but also provided numerous opportunities to improve image quality and resolution further.
The initial prototype was capable of achieving a magnification of 10,000x; however, with further development, we anticipate reaching a magnification of 23,000x and resolving details smaller than 50 nanometers with far greater clarity.

Research Status
The project is now in the final phase of research and development, requiring only one final design iteration to produce a production-ready design that will be used for the global patent application. Construction of the improved production-ready model is pending the availability of further R&D funding. Images provided here are for illustration and are not representative of the final design, which will remain secret until the patent application has been submitted.
Research Funding
The team is actively seeking additional research funding and sponsorship to complete the R&D phase of this innovative technology project with offers numerous commercial opportunities.
The Atlantis Group and various philanthropists have generously provided $0.25m in research funding for a POC phase of the project that validated the Image Path Enhancement (IPS) technology created by Atlantis Life Sciences.
Now that the POC stage of the project has confirmed the design of this Super High Magnification microscope, we require $0.25m for the next phase to bring the product to market.
This funding will allow us to complete a production-ready model and progress to commercial negotiations.

Market Launch
Upon completing the production-ready model and a demonstration to the industry, we expect several manufacturers will be keen to license the technology or collaborate in a Joint Venture to bring the Nanovision SHM microscope to market.